Thursday, October 4, 2007

Banned Books Weekend!!!

Its banned books week and of course your behind the times librarian has let it slip by without getting us up in the front of events like i should. So instead we will celebrate banned books weekend at the library. come on by and check out our display and get some info on banned and challenged books and what you can do to help us keep information free to all who seek it.
I am hard at work on November's issue of Orianne Osiris and i have a new plane parked outside Star's end for some upcoming scenes. thought you would like to see my new flight suit.^^
We also found a great place with a great ride thanks to the lovely danana....its called "zero point" and the numbers are something like (146,74,502) but c'mon by the library or im me for a landmark its a fun place to see.
So cmon by the library this weekend and do your little part at stopping censorship. also be sure to visit the ALA info island for more banned books info.
Its our libray!!
lets keep it free!!

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